

Mentally, emotionally and physically.

The fire smiles knowingly at my pain as the smoke rises high and thick in the air.

 I can’t breathe, but I try to endure…I see the silhouette of your hand yet I cannot reach it…I stretch out my hands, grasping for the feel of it, I try to connect but it keeps slipping away…


I’m choking on the smoke of the unknowing, as tears of confusion runs down my face…was this the plan of the fire to begin with? To separate us with the smoke of exhaustion?…clever little fire it is, but not clever enough to succeed…even exhausted and drained I continue to reach for your hand in the smoke, until our fingers finally connect and the smoke disappears.

By Natty ODou

2 Comments Add yours

  1. slickdiver81 says:

    The fire is clever, but it will never succeed as the love will forever be stronger than the smoke which tries to suffocate. Fingers unite as the hand pulls you up. The love between them, they together tread through the smoke as one stomping out the flames 🔥 that tried to consume them yet not succeed.

    1. nattyodou says:

      Well answered love ❤️

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